
Showing posts from 2015

Book Review: Why Nations Fail

If one wants to read a different viewpoint on issues relating to gaps in development, prosperity and poverty between countries one should read the theory proposed by Political Scientist James A. Robinson & Economist Daron Acemoglu in their book Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty. The unique approach followed & the reasoning given through subtle examples instigate the reader's mind to see a different part of development debate that goes around today, a part that the reader sees through the eyes of an academician who has spent his time on research and analysis of innumerable cases from the past by which he developed a theory explaining the reason of differences in nations development statistics. We often read in news wherein the global leaders both from rich and poor nations urge rich countries and corporate tycoons across the globe to lend/help the poor countries in terms of monetary aid in order to uplift the people from the shackles of ext