Indian Print Media - Comparative advantages and challanges

The paper has been published in the journal published by EGADE Business School, Mexico & Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), Hyderabad. Indian print media is one of the largest print media in the world next only to China. History The history of the Indian print media started in 1780, when the first newspaper was published by James Augustus Hickey. The name of the newspaper was The Bengal Gazette and it was published in Calcutta (now Kolkata). Hickey is considered as the "father of Indian press". In 1789, the first newspaper from Bombay , the Bombay Herald appeared, followed by the Bombay Courier next year (this newspaper was later amalgamated with the Times of India in 1861). The first newspaper in an Indian language was the Samachar Darpan in Bengali . Today a large number of newspapers are published in various languages like Hindi , Marathi , Malayalam , Kannada ...